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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Reshaping Minds In The Legal System

In order to understand the thought process in the legal system it is important to understand how the individuals involved interpret things. When it comes to the treatment of statutory rape offenders, for example, this is but one attitude that can be found in such places as the LawEnforcement NetBase(1):
"These offenders [referring to statutory rapists in consensual situations] tend to function fairly well aside of their recent abusive or sexually assaultive behavior. They tend not to present with personality disorders or other mental health disorders, and tend not to have abusive backgrounds or difficulty with employment or in relationships in general."
Maybe it's because consensual sexual relations are normal? In other words, those in the legal system are predisposed to prejudice based on the existence of the law and are, to a good degree, unable to think objectively about it due to their occupational position. Let me show you yet another example of how this occurs everyday by offering a snippet of conversation given to me by a MoralOutrage.Net member:
Police Officer: "What he did to you was horrible."Young Girl: "He didn't do anything to me."Police Officer: "He victimized you and took advantage of you."Young Girl: "He didn't victimize me, I wanted to have sex with him."Police Officer: "That's what he wants you to believe."Young Girl: "I had sex because I wanted it, not because anybody made me think I wanted it."
Can you see the circular reasoning? The law states that minors are unable to legally consent therefore those in the legal system simply dismiss the logic that teens can and do consent. Their logic is based on the law instead of the laws being based on logic. I can find no better example of this legal bigotry than from Georgia's own top Republican senator, Eric Johnson, of Savannah. Every one familiar with the Genarlow Wilson case understands the absurdity of his case. He was 17 when he was convicted of having consensual oral sex with a 15 year old. Many appeals to logic and common sense have gone through the courts but they have been consistently opposed by Rep. Eric Johnson. His opposition to common sense and his stupidity (and I use that word in its fullest force) can be viewed in this CNN transcript excerpt(2):
EDDIE BARKER, DOUGLASVILLE PROSECUTOR: From what we’ve seen on the videotape and heard from the victim ourself, we do not believe there was any physical force used.
[CNN CORRESPONDENT RICK] SANCHEZ: No physical force? Doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter that it was consensual sex between two teens. Ten years, mandatory, no way around it. The law that ensnared Genarlow is so illogical that if he’d had intercourse with the 15-year-old instead of oral sex, his punishment would only have been a misdemeanor. Back to the Georgia legislature, which recently changed the law but didn’t change Genarlow Wilson’s punishment. Why not?
State Senator Eric Johnson took the floor.ERIC JOHNSON, GEORGIA STATE SENATOR: Mr. Wilson participated in multiple sexual acts with a minor while she was unconscious.SANCHEZ: Wrong. The girl was not unconscious. The senator also said she was raped. That’s not even what the prosecutor thought. So we called the senator and asked for an interview.(on camera) Do you feel bad about the fact that you characterized this as a rape when you were talking yesterday in the Senate?JOHNSON: No.SANCHEZ: You don’t have any problem with that?JOHNSON: No.SANCHEZ: Because it wasn’t a rape.JOHNSON: It’s a rape in my mind.SANCHEZ (voice-over): Here’s what it was in the minds of the jurors. We know; we talked to them.MARIE MANIGAULT, JURY FOREPERSON: When we viewed the tape, there was absolutely nothing in there that showed us that he in any way encouraged this person, even invited the person to come.SANCHEZ: So for now, the Georgia legislature has done nothing, leaving Genarlow Wilson behind these walls, hoping some day for justice.

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