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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Grandparents Custody Rights - 3 Tips To Help You Win Your Battle

Grandparents Custody Rights are finally coming to the forefront in the judicial system. More & more cases are being decided on what really is in the best interest of the child rather than on just parental rights alone. There are some hoops to jump through, but custody is being awarded more often to the grandparents.
It’s a sad state of affairs when we have to fight our own children in order to do what is right for their children. But sometimes, it just has to be done to get the child out of a bad situation.
At some point, you will need an attorney, one who specializes in the area of Grandparents Custody Rights. Now here is a caveat: Don’t assume your attorney is one who will do anything to win if they think you are right. In reality, it just doesn’t work that way.
There are a lot of things you need to do. And at $150 to $500 or more per hour, you want to do as much as you can on your own. Even if you have an attorney who is working pro bono, their investigations will be very limited.
Here are 3 Tips to help you in your struggle to gain your Grandparents Custody Rights.
Tip #1: Approach your child directly, in a non-confrontational matter. If the situation is serious enough for you to want to remove them from their home, they know it is bad and what kind of an effect it is having on your grandchild. Talk to them and ask them to give you custody. Explain why it would be in the best interest of the child - without making accusations.
Point out how their life would be better and not as burdensome if the grandchild were with you. It does work sometimes! If you can get them to agree, find an attorney who specializes in Grandparents Custody Rights and get the necessary paperwork completed and signed. You want to do this as soon as possible, before they have a chance to change their mind or let someone else talk them out of it.
Tip #2: Document everything. Keep good and accurate records. List dates, times, places & witnesses if any. What are the grandkids being exposed to? Are they being abused? Are they being neglected? Have they been abandoned? How much time does your grandchild spend with you? Have they lived with you and if so, for how long (try to get the dates)?
Tip #3: Know Your State’s Laws regarding Grandparents Custody Rights and find the Precedents. What recent rulings awarding grandparents child custody rights have been made? Look for the rulings that have been made in favor of the grandparents and what circumstances led to the decision. List them. Most courthouses have a legal library where you can do your research and obtain this information for free.
First ask your child for custody (it is the quickest and cheapest way to win). Make sure you document everything and find legal precedents in your favor. Type & organize your notes and give them to your attorney.

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